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In the beginning ...

Going solo during Covid19

Well I've done it, I've taken the plunge and started my own Bookkeeping Practice.  

I did wander if it was the right time to start with all the changes and restrictions caused by the pandemic, but then one day in the middle of lockdown while checking my own bank statement and wishing I hadn't of left it all to the end of the month when I can't remember what I've spent,  I started thinking.....

... I bet there are a lot of people in lockdown working through all those jobs that they've put of because other things seemed more important or exciting..
...  What if these people are self-employed - and trying to work through a pile of invoices and expenses to make sure they have the money in their bank to get through the lean times ahead.

I decided to take the plunge so that I could use my knowledge and experience to help others with their accounting and help them come out of the lockdown and continue their business.

During the lockdown I've gained my Bookkeepers Licence (I'm supervised by the AAT) and started researching the different cloud accountancy systems, gaining my Xero Adviser Certification -  but if this isn't the right package for you we'll find one that fits.

I'm still employed part-time, so initially I'll take on a small number of clients and build up the practice gradually

So If you're self-employed (Freelancer or Sole Trader) and would like assistance I'm ready to help.  Please get in touch for a 15/20 minute chat to discuss your issues. 
(If this isn't you but you know someone that is in need of help, please forward on my contact details)


As the saying goes ''a problem shared is a problem halved''